August 2024 Results

August 2024 Results

Hi there!

For the past month, we have been working without getting tired, and we would like to share with you some of the results of the work we’ve done.

Released Index Constructor 

About 2 months ago we completely reworked our marketplace, so it became easier to decide where you want to invest. 

Previously, the marketplace worked entirely according to the constructor model, and many users asked to return the constructor after it was temporarily disabled. We never really waned to limit user’s ability to create personal indexes if the user is professional enough, and confident in his own skills of money management.

This is why we decided to redevelop a marketplace index constructor:

So, the marketplace constructor is the second part of our infamous marketplace, where everyone can create or rebalance an index and copy it. It gives you the opportunity to achieve even better risk/reward ratio than in basic TradeLink’s indexes by making your own improvements. It’s a great way to apply the professional skill and knowledge. You can try yourself here! Constructor also provides an opportunity to copy a singular strategy, wonderful thing.

Released JET auto-run

We announced this game-changing feature in July, and in August we made our best to release the JET auto-run, the functionality of the instantaneous start-stop for the Marketplace investments. What a great news!

It provides wonderful experience of same-minute responses for all the main marketplace actions, like starting, stopping, and editing the configuration of every investment that you invested in. Enjoy!

New Dashboard

We already showed you a prototype of a new redesigned Passport Dashboard, but now you can see it yourself!

It’s so much better, we know! Thank you for giving us feedback on our platform, we listen and do everything to improve your experience. From now on, you have a full and clear view of all of your keys and portfolios on the dashboard. Take a look.

Said goodbye to BitMEX portfolio and removed the ability to create cross-exchange portfolios

This month we made the difficult decision to to fully remove support of old platform features that are not particularly successful at this point of time to made the platform overall a bit simpler to use. Namely: Cross-exchange compound portfolios, and BitMex exchange support. As of today, all BitMEX portfolios are no longer supported, statistics for them are not displayed, and they do not participate in the rating.

This is done because BitMEX consumes a significant part of the physical resources needed to develop support for new, more popular exchanges. Many thanks to everyone who was with us for BitMEX, we hope we can interest you in new exchanges!

Overall Platform:

Fixed problems

Bugs are annoying, so we fix them quickly. For example, we successfully fixed the N/A bug on the referral page, so you can refer your friends and earn together, lovely! Apart from that we fixed all ByBit issues, we know that there have been a bug where short positions were not displayed, but now everything is functioning like it should.

Thank you again for letting us know about bugs and problems by contacting our support, we immediately react and start to work on fixing.

We are very grateful for your interest in the project and will do our very best to provide the service you deserve.

See you next month!

With gratitude, The TradeLink Team