Update Summary 07.03
![Update Summary 07.03](/blog/content/update-summary-07-03/имени-40.3.png)
Since the last update, we have been working effectively every day to provide you with the best possible analytics service.
In this update, the changes affected primarily the visual component of the platform, but the logical component was also not forgottenOur telegram channel has a summary of the update, but here is a complete list of all the changes:
Visual part:
- Improved password change process
- Improved some theme color elements
- Improved 403 and 404 error page
- Optimized charts to display more points without performance issues
- Disabled support for all keys with permissions other than “Read-Only”
- Improved the logic of loading and displaying portfolios. Now, as soon as an hourly chart is loaded in the portfolio, regardless of the further change in the step, the indicators will remain with hourly values
- Improved the logic of wrapping words on a new line in the description and title of the portfolio
- Improved feedback when adding a key (errors are now more specific)
- Improved the used leverage formula to be even more accurate
- Improved the logic for deleting a portfolio from favorites
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug with the ability to set the start date later than today’s date on some portfolios
- Fixed a bug with the impossibility of opening your portfolio from your account in a new tab
- Fixed a bug with a “-0” balance display in some scenarios
- Fixed a bug with the lack of display of the compound icon on the portfolio page
- Fixed a specific bug with the lack of display of a private portfolio after adding it to favorites
- Fixed minor visual bugs in the platform tour
- Fixed a bug with changing the selected graphs when changing the step
- Fixed a bug with a non-working maximum drawdown duration switch in the widget