Updates summary
![Updates summary](/blog/content/updates-summary/имени-40.4.png)
Since the last post about updates, we have carried out global work, and we are finally ready to tell about it.
Changed the design, rewrote the frontend from scratch
The entire visual part of our platform has been rewritten from scratch to make it prettier, faster, and easier to use. The update is massive, and therefore we recommend that you see it with your own eyes by going to the website of our platform
Added Benchmark chart
We were often asked to add the ability to visually compare the strategy with Bitcoin, and we did it! Now on the portfolio page, each user can look at the bitcoin chart next to the profit charts of their strategy
Added Investment Indicators
We’ve added many metrics to help you evaluate your portfolio investment. The “Investment” tab is available in each portfolio, and stores important indicators necessary to improve the strategy
Added support for Binance uploads
In May, Binance changed the restrictions on transferring data via API by many times, and introduced the mechanics of transferring historical account data using the so-called “Uploads”.Without going into details – we not only cope with the limitation without loss in the quality of the service provided but also became almost the only service in the world that can display your complete trading history.
Changed the logic for calculating Binance data – now all statistics use UnPnl for calculations
All Binance portfolios have been recalculated for unrealized profits. Simply put now the statistics updates not only from closed positions, but also from UnPnL changes of open ones. This method of calculation helps to objectively evaluate the data and not just the realized results.
Added the ability to authenticate via Google
Now registration and authentication on the service have become as simple as possible for all Google account users. One button press and that’s it
Added the ability to link telegram channels to the user page
Now each user can parse posts from their telegram channel to their profile on TradeLink. For more details visit this article
Significantly improved the dashboard page for unauthorized users
Now the platform displays real portfolios from the rating as a demo so that any user can easily understand how to use the platform.
Improved loading indicators across the platform
Now rankings, keys, and portfolios have beautiful and functional data loading indicators. They help to get a more pleasant experience of using the platform for both beginners and experienced users.
Made more than 50 QOL improvements (for example, automatic language selection)
We have added dozens of user-suggested improvements, added a lot of our own, and got a great platform for professional analysis of cryptocurrency strategies.
Greatly improved localization
We have changed almost every explanation of the indicators on the platform, as well as professionally translated them into all available languages. Now the description of each indicator is easily understood by every person speaking any of the supported languages.
Changed domain
Now the platform operates on tradelink.pro (instead of mytrades.link)We surveyed users, the vast majority voted for this idea, so we changed the domain, while not forgetting to support the old one
Fixed over 200 bugs
We are constantly working on fixing any bugs you submit, to provide the best possible experience on our platform.